The course theme:  

Methods and means of measurement

Igorovych, PhD
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LIST selective educational components

Cycle of professional training

level: first (bachelor's)

field of knowledge: 13 Mechanical engineering

specialty 134 Aviation and rocket and space technology

educational and professional program:

"Planes and helicopters"

Graduation department:

IAT aircraft and rocketry

2.2. Cycle of professional training (Selective educational components from interfaculty / faculty / departmental Catalogs)

EP code

Educational components (academic disciplines)

Elective educational components (academic disciplines)



ETCS Credits

PS 9

PS 6

PS 13

Educational components 9, 6, 13 of the F-Catalog

Fundamentals of Aviation Material







Physical properties of metals and composite materials

Design of structures from composite materials

Special questions of higher mathematics

Numerical methods for solving differential equations

Parameterized optimization research in aircraft construction

Applied and experimental aerodynamics

Multiphysical finite element analysis

Fundamentals of aerodynamic tube experiment

PS 4

PS 8

PS 10

PS 11

Educational components 4, 8, 10, 11 of the F-Catalog



Engineer calculations of aircraft and helicopters







Buckling and oscillations of elastic systems

Strength and elasticity of aircraft

Aircraft engineering

Organizational bases and principles of aircraft engineering

Process management of the technical documentation circulation

Aviation materials and technologies

Processing of construction materials

Additive technology and nanotechnology

Methods of optimization models building for aircraft parts in CAE-systems

Modeling of emergency situations in the ANSYS environment

Computer engineering in the aircraft creation

in detail in the document below


Наша адреса: м. Київ, вул. Боткіна 1, Корпус 28 к.214

Our address: Kyiv, street Botkin 1, Building 28 room 214

Контактний телефон/Contact phone: +38 044 204 86 33


В. о. завідувача кафедри: Лук’янов Петро Володимирович

  кімната 206д, корпус 28

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